Ladies and gentlemen, friends,

Welcome to our website. Our aircraft for today’s flight will be our members’ dreams and it is called “Air-born”.

Our destination would be the world wide aviation loving public. Those who do not hesitate exhibiting their love in every possible way. The weather is not ideal for doing so nowadays, but we here in Icarus’ birthplace, we have created all necessary conditions for a journey as comfortable and as enjoyable as possible. Our Captain for today, the myth of Daedalus and co-pilot Aeolus will make sure we will have the desirable lift towards our goal. Senior flight attendant will be the current president of our Society’s Ruling Board.

Thank you for choosing us for your journey above the clouds and we invite you to enjoy with us the best moments the love for aviation has to offer to all enthusiasts as presented through the pages of this web space flying vehicle.

Up here in Greek and international airspace with

Enjoy our flight.


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13 "Air-Born" - Hellenic Aviation Enthusiasts Society