On the occasion of their General Assembly, “Air-Born”
members visited the preserved C-47 (DC-3) of the
Civil Aviation Authority which is located in the precinct of
its offices at Hellinikon Airport. We had the opportunity of
a guided tour at the well preserved aircraft interiors and
received some valuable known and unknown information
concerning its equipment (which is fully preserved inside
the cabin) and its use in the past. We also had the chance
to get acquainted about the Committee’s efforts for the
establishment, the maintenance and exploitation plans of the
Museum of Civil Aviation.
We would like to thank the CO of Civil Aviation Authority
Mrs. Fofi Papadimitropoulou for accepting our visit and also
Mr. Mihalis Pararas and Mr. Stefanos Kabanelis, members of
Committee for the Foundation of the Museum of Civil
Aviation, for the guidance, the in-depth information in
relation to the aircraft in question
as well as for our briefing with regard to the progress of
the ambitious plan of the
foundation of the Museum of Civil Aviation in Greece.